

Palmarès du droit – Lyon – 2019
A l’occasion du Palmarès du Droit 2019 de Lyon, le cabinet Petrel & Associés est lauréat dans la catégorie cabinet d’avocats spécialisé en droit social, de 1 à 5 avocats.
Organisé par Le Monde du Droit en partenariat avec l’Association Française des Juristes d’Entreprise (AFJE), le Palmarès des Avocats est une enquête inédite qui repose exclusivement sur la participation des clients des cabinets d’avocats.Ce sont les clients des cabinets d’avocats qui ont désigné les meilleurs cabinets d’avocats en fonction de critères qualitatifs et du nombre de citations des cabinets.
L’enquête a été réalisée par le Monde du Droit pendant près d’un mois auprès de plusieurs milliers de clients (juristes d’entreprise, DRH, DG, DAF….) de cabinets d’avocats d’affaires, des adhérents de l’AFJE et des abonnés aux newsletters du Monde du Droit.
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Palmarès du Droit – Paris – Edition 2019
Le cabinet Petrel & Associés a été classé dans les 5 meilleurs cabinets d’avocats dans le domaine du droit social lors du Palmarès du Droit 2019.
Méthodologie : le classement a été établi par les clients et l’Association des Juristes d’affaires (AFJE). Les critères d’évaluation sont : la disponibilité, la réactivité, l’innovation (créativité), la connaissance du fonctionnement de l’entreprise, la compréhension des besoins, la qualité de la prestation et le mode de rémunération.
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Corporate Immigration Laws and Regulations 2019
Le cabinet Petrel & Associés est présent dans le guide The International Comparative Legal Guides ouvrage de référence publié par The Global Legal Group et écrit par des cabinets leaders dans leurs domaines. L’ouvrage a pour ambition, chaque année, de présenter de façon comparée les dispositions législatives et réglementaires qui s’appliquent sur un certain nombre de thématiques. Chaque sujet est abordé de façon méthodique et pratique, sous le format de question-réponses.
Au sein du guide Corporate Immigration Laws and Regulations 2019 le chapitre relatif à la France a été entièrement rédigé en anglais par le cabinet Petrel & Associés. Parmi les thématiques abordées : visas d’affaires, conformité, visas pour les personnes à haute qualification, permis de travail temporaire, travail clandestin, résidence permanente.
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Professional Training Guide
Created by Pascal PETREL, the law firm has been assisting in consulting and litigation in this area of expertise for over 25 years. P&A is a law firm of reference and an expert in Social Law and Social Protection. In consulting as in litigation, each of our employees assists its customers for all matters related to the management of individual or collective working relationships. P&A supports companies and employers’ organizations in any professional sector, of any size and in any region in order to solve the various problems related to the social management of the company, as close as possible to its needs, with security and pragmatism,. It also supports the company’s strategy in this field. P&A develops towards its clients a personalized approach adapted to their policy and strategy in social law advisory and in defense actions. P&A success lies in its analytical relevance, its ability to directly understand the problems of its customers and its responsiveness in its ability to offer its clients concrete and adapted solutions in the areas of expertise of social law. Faced with the proliferation of litigation and the judicialization of labor relations, P&A aims to develop an anticipatory and preventive approach.

Global law expert recommended firm
P&A is a leading law firm with expertise in employment law. Whether in an advisory or litigation role, each of our associates works with their clients on all issues related to managing individual or collective employment relations. Since its creation, P&A has been committed to quality in order to ensure the best levels of service and to develop loyal relationships with its clients. In matter of social security, the firm uses its creativity to implement mutual insurance companies and provident schemes across the board. It also is strongly committed to the contractual domain with company branches through agreement negotiations on all mandatory subjects. It was recently responsible for an inventive solution for the initiation of branch policy to contribute to high levels of solidarity between branches by enabling employees of one branch to receive emergency relief when facing difficult life situations.
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Lawyer monthly legal awards 2016
P&A is a leading law firm with expertise in employment law. Whether in an advisory or litigation role, each of our associates works with their clients on all issues related to managing individual or collective employment relations. Since its creation, P&A has been committed to quality in order to ensure the best levels of service and to develop loyal relationships with its clients. In matter of social security, the firm uses its creativity to implement mutual insurance companies and provident schemes across the board. It also is strongly committed to the contractual domain with company branches through agreement negotiations on all mandatory subjects. It was recently responsible for an inventive solution for the initiation of branch policy to contribute to high levels of solidarity between branches by enabling employees of one branch to receive emergency relief when facing difficult life situations.
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