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25 preconceived ideas in labor law on the use of information and communication technologies.

The world of work is undergoing a dramatic transformation: the need for mobility, hyper-convergence, solution sharing, instantaneous information exchange.

Labor law raises major economic and social challenges for all company.

To this end, the introduction of new information and communication technologies that increase productivity requires a rethinking of labor relations and encourages new ways of organizing work.

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RGPD et preuve d’une discrimination syndicale

La 2ème Chambre civile décide que la communication par l’employeur, ordonnée par le juge prud’homal, de documents contenant des données personnelles, tels que les historiques de carrière et les bulletins de paie de salariés nommément désignés, constitue un traitement de données à caractère personnel et que leur mise à disposition d’un salarié invoquant l’existence d’une discrimination syndicale à titre d’éléments de preuve répond aux exigences de licéité au sens des articles 6 et 23 du RGPD.

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Le Ministère du Travail met en ligne deux FAQ (foire aux questions) portant sur des évolutions récentes de la législation en matière d'épargne salariale et de rémunération.

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“Engagement, disponibilité, audace raisonnée, tels sont les mots qui résument plus de 20 ans de collaboration avec Pascal Pétrel, au sein de différents postes, dans plusieurs entreprises.

P Pétrel incarne parfaitement la valeur ajoutée qu’un avocat doit apporter à une entreprise : une excellente connaissance des textes et de la jurisprudence, une rapidité d’analyse des situations complexes, des recommandations adaptées en toutes circonstances, à tous moments de la journée et de la nuit, et tout cela en gardant sang froid et un sérieux sens de l’humour.

Merci Pascal !”

Our Expertises

The world of work is undergoing an extraordinary transformation.
Labor law raises major economic and social challenges for all companies because of the introduction of new information and communication technologies. The Covid-19 health crisis has perfectly illustrated this point, and the effects of the crisis will anchor changes in work relations. Therefore, Petrel & Associes, through its expertise, will assist you in these changes, helping to shape your company of tomorrow by contributing to its transformation to better ensure its performance .

Transformation and Work 2.0

The emergence of new technologies has forced companies to rethink the way they work while maintaining a secure legal framework.

Social crisis management

Managing a social crisis in a company implies taking into consideration the multiple facets that make it up according to its nature…

Diversity and Inclusion

Raising awareness of the rules and challenges of the principles of inclusion and non-discrimination among human resources stakeholders is now a necessity for all companies.

Data Privacy

The protection of personal data: A necessity at the heart of HRDs’ concerns

* Disclaimer: All Expertises are Under French Law

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"I understand   corporates
  I run one"

About Pascal

Pascal Petrel started his career in January 1998, after completing his post-graduate studies at the University of Lyon III (Master’s in Corporate Law and Tax, diploma in corporate legal counsel).

His first position was as a Legal Adviser with the Corporate Law firm Barthelemy & Associés, where, after six years, he became the youngest Partner.

He is now registered as a lawyer with both the Paris Bar and the Bar of Israel as foreign lawyer.

Parallel to his professional activity, Pascal Petrel has taken a keen interest in the profession and was elected Chairman of the Youth Association of Corporate Counsellors in the Rhône region in July 1994.

In December 1994, he was elected National Chairman of the Youth Association of Corporate Counsellors.

In 1997, he was elected member of the National Council of the Bar and Chairman of the Lyon Bar Communication Commission.He left Barthelemy & Associés in December 1998 and decided to set up his own legal firm Petrel & Associés in January 2000, where he has been working ever since.

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