


A single methodological approach: going beyond the initial findings to establish actions to be taken

We handle all types of audits for analysing risks or for proposing areas for improvement, protecting or reducing costs:

  • compliance audits
  • acquisition audits (due diligence)
  • sales audits (vendor due diligence)
  • specialised audits (employee contributions, pay policy, working schedules, social protection insurance commitments, work accidents and occupational illnesses, etc.

Tous nos audits adoptent la même methodologie :

  • rapid intervention
  • cross-disciplinary participation of teams specialised per area
  • key foreign languages spoken
  • presentation of conclusions exceeding the simple observation of the absence or existence of risks and including detailed assessments of corporate liabilities and proposals for corrective action plans

A single objective: achieving a financial assessment of costs, followed by a reduction in the direct or indirect costs

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